Archive: Pause at License Agreement?

Pause at License Agreement?

I would like to either:

- grey out the "next" button at the License Agreement page, until they've checked a box for "I have read this agreement", or (probably simpler):

- grey out the "next" button at the License Agreement page for 8 seconds or so.

I am not sure where to insert the "sleep 8000", as I am using the macros:

; --------
; sleep 8000 ; doesn't work here
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH

If anyone could point me in the right direction, I would really appreciate it :)

grey out the "next" button at the License Agreement page, until they've checked a box for "I have read this agreement"
Try using the MUI_LICENSEPAGE_CHECKBOX Page Setting for the License Page (see the MUI ReadMe for further details)