Archive: SIG - The Script/Installer Generator

SIG - The Script/Installer Generator
I am pleased to announce the availability of a custom tool I have developed for working with NSIS.

What's that you say? There's already lot's of scripting IDE tools for NSIS? Yes there are alot of these already but my tool is not a scripting IDE. This tool does not replace any of the scripting work you do already but rather it allows you to easily add/remove files and registry entries from an installation, specify their output directory or rename them on installation all in a graphical interface.

I've found it has made my job much easier to do where file's can be renamed on a daily basis or folder locations on installation can be moved around. I'm hoping it will make the job of others easier to do as well.

Some of its features include...

-Ignoring files/folders
-Renaming files on installation
-Specifying output directories different from the source
-Detecting that all files to be included in an installer
actually exist before creating it
-Drag and drop files to be included in an installer

I have very much customized the tool to fit my needs however I am very open to suggestions for improvements.

Questions/comments about the tool can be made in the forums at the link noted above.

The current (and right now only) package can be downloaded

Unfortunately the tool is not likely to be all that useable right now as I don't have much documentation written and I have not setup a web page at all for it.

If you are interested in using the tool immediately please email me and I can provide you with some quick and dirty directions for getting it running and using it.

I'm hoping some of you will take an interest in the tool and be willing to help me out. There is lot's of things I'd like to add to the tool such as documentation, tutorials and many new features. Just think you'll get to have your name in the credits.

I will post more details here as they become available.

Now with basic help!
Yes I've finally stopped slacking off and made some kind of help for SIG. It's not completely done but I hope it can be useful in some sense in it's current state.

Get the latest package off of the SIG project home page here

I am pleased to report that people at my company have recently taken notice of the work I've done on SIG and have decided to help fund development of it. I am currently finishing up a small bunch of feature additions, bug fixes and minor UI issues as a result of this. After that I will be looking at adding several new features which I will review below.

A new version will be available for download in the near future. I will post details here when I put it up on sourceforge.

Recent additions
-Ignore relative paths/files when including folders. So if you were to include a path of C:\WINDOWS\ and you wanted to add everything recursively except for all the DLLs in the system 32 folder you could all with one file inclusion.

Some future plans:
-Make SIG unicode compliant
-Language table editor to let you compose language tables right in the editor
-Pre/Post build improvement to allow users to run batch files/executables with command line parameters. There is a work around for this but that shouldn't have to be done.
-More tutorials and examples

I am very actively looking for people so if you have any interest in helping out testing, developing or promoting NSIS please send me an email!

Just put up installgen 0.7 with the recent addition of ignoring files as I mentioned last post.

Interested parties can download it here...

I've setup a phpBB forum for discssion. You can access it here.

so you're still working on the tool?
will have a look at it, great work!

Originally posted by Comm@nder21
so you're still working on the tool?
will have a look at it, great work!
Absoloutely. It's still going and I could still use some help. Anyone?

Finally got a basic website up and running. I've put up two tutorials on using the tool with more on the way which I hope you will find useful. If you're in the neighbourhood be sure to stop by and have a look.