Archive: Delayed Next button

Delayed Next button
I want to be able to be able to delay the appearance of the Next button on a page. I want a 3 second delay so that the content on that page can be read. I know how to disable the button:

EnableWindow $BUTTON 0

But on my custom page I can't put a "sleep" on it then re-enable it. This is because the custom page waits on an action before it goes to the next.

Has anyone done this?

The Sleep command is the only NSIS command that delays something at a definitive amount of miliseconds. There has to have a way to use this command for that purpose. If your experiencing the problem and you can't fix it at any costs, attach the script here so we can give a look at it.

Don't think you can do this as NSIS waits for the script to execute (complete) before displaying the page. A sleep instruction only halts the displaying of a page. I think someone must create a NSIS plug-in for this...