Archive: Splash Screen Logo on startup?

Splash Screen Logo on startup?
is it possible to have a startup logo before the actual install process??

I downloaded some Visual Basic code that makes the NSI files and it had a nice BMP section, but the code was a little outdated and I couldn't use the new nullsoft installer to make my setup file.

If anyone knows how to get a StartupBMP using HM NIS Edit 2.0rc2 please let me know via email or post.

Place this code into your .onInit function:

File /oname=$PLUGINSDIR\splash.bmp "path\to\your\bitmap.bmp"
advsplash::show 1000 600 400 -1 $PLUGINSDIR\splash
Pop $0

There is also an example in your NSIS installation dir: contrib\splash


yeah splash rocks - and combined with some sound (bassmod) - superb.