Archive: How can i play a wav.file durning Installation

How can i play a wav.file durning Installation
Hi All,

I have a question!
I want to play a wav.file (or other sound file) durning the installation process of my programm

Is this possible?



Check the plugins of nsis ;)


can do nice things for you!

It doesn´t work so good with advsplash!

Can somebody do an example of playing a wav file durning the installation for me ???

Thanks to all!

Hi Mic84, and welcome to the forums :)

Hum, did you check the AdvSplash readme (Contrib\AdvSplash\advsplash.txt)? There is the following code in it, did you try it?

Function .onInit
SetOutPath $TEMP
File /oname=spltmp.bmp "my_splash.bmp"

; optional
; File /oname=spltmp.wav "my_splashshit.wav"

advsplash::show 1000 600 400 -1 $TEMP\spltmp

Pop $0 ; $0 has '1' if the user closed the splash screen early,
; '0' if everything closed normal, and '-1' if some error occured.

Delete $TEMP\spltmp.bmp
; Delete $TEMP\spltmp.wav


PS: SummerJam Rocks :D

Yes i have checked it!

But when i use the version with advsplash there appers a window (with the bmp you choose before) and after that the installation start!

I want that the a wav file plays until the installion is finished!

Thanks all!

Ooooops, it seems that at the end of the working week I can't even read properly, sorry about that :p

Well, then to play some music during the whole installation, check the plugin 'BgImage', there is a .txt and a nice example in 'Contrib\BgImage' ..

Hope you'll make it :)


I did this for anoopparwani :)
On XP/2K this should also play mp3.

BTW splash plugin not works properly on my comps - no sound at all :(


Originally posted by deguix
Hmmmm.... I don't trust much the Windows API's for that purpose. I think it's better using a plugin, like BASS which was said on that thread you linked.

You should say your NSIS, Windows versions first. You only need to attach the script if you think it's a script problem, because it should work.
Looking from my corner Video for Windows Win API is good enough for WAVE files, MSDN declares it's support beginning Win95 :)

Windows NT: Requires version 3.1 or later.
Windows: Requires Windows 95 or later.
Windows CE: Requires version 2.0 or later.
Header: Declared in mmsystem.h.
Import Library: Use winmm.lib.

mp3 files - this depends... :)

Problems with splash plugin were on Win98 SE. Bitmap OK, sound :( And I guess any case plugin for wav file increases installation size only. I tested my script on Win98/W2K/XP and it worked fine. The only problem was with sound file extraction to plugins dir on Win98 (file /oname, cannot open file for write error), but after I did it in 2 lines with SetOutPath this is OK. Regards.

Thank for all evilO!

It works fine with the BgImage!
All i had to do was put this code in the .onInit function:

BgImage::Sound /NOUNLOAD /LOOP "path of the wav file"

PS: Does anybody knows how to remove the label "Nullsoft Install System v2.0" on the bottom of each installation window ???
Is this allowed to do?

Thanks all

This is the code for it:


you can also replace /TRIMRIGHT to /TRIMLEFT or /TRIMCENTER

I did this for anoopparwani
On XP/2K this should also play mp3. Hmmmm.... I don't trust much the Windows API's for that purpose. I think it's better using a plugin, like BASS which was said on that thread you linked.

BTW splash plugin not works properly on my comps - no sound at all
You should say your NSIS, Windows versions first. You only need to attach the script if you think it's a script problem, because it should work.

Sincerely, someone should create a Archive page of this issue of playing music. I don't create one because I don't like the Archive at all.