Archive: Fileread dropping colon from filename

Fileread dropping colon from filename
I have an INI file containing


I need to get the [C:\ET\] so have been using FileRead but it returns [C\ET\]

Any ideas why or how I get round it?


Matt ReadINIStr
user_var(output) ini_filename section_name entry_name
Reads from entry_name in [section_name] of ini_filename and stores the value into user variable $x. The error flag will be set and $x will be assigned to an empty string if the entry is not found.

Straight from the documentation.....

Oh you want the section name....hmmmmm Try FileReadByte

So this is a bug in NSIS ?

How do I convert the integer from FileReadByte to character. I can't find the equivalent of CHR() in the documentation!

IntFmt $0 "%c" $1

where $1 is the output of FileReadByte and you'll get the character read in $0. It's up to you to find out how to skip the non text part of the file, FileReadByte will read anything.

I wrote the following script to do this but there are still problems. I think the colon must have some special effect that I am not aware of because the code reads [C:\ET\] as C:ET\ i.e. missing the first slash. here's the code

;Get Section name from MyINI.ini
Strcpy $INSTDIR ""
FileOpen $FileHandle "$WinDir\MyINI.ini" "r"

FileReadByte $FileHandle $1
IntFmt $0 "%c" $1
StrCmp $0 "[" start
StrCmp $0 "]" fileclose
MessageBox MB_ICONQUESTION|MB_OK "New value $0 Old Value $InstDir"
strcpy $INSTDIR "$INSTDIR$0"
goto start
FileClose $FileHandle

Using the messagebox I can see that it reads in all the characters but drops the first slash when copying to $INSTDIR

Appears that NSIS checks $INSTDIR for a correct value and removes the back-slash after the dir. Probably NSIS doesn't handle correctly folders with back-slash at the string end, so instead of fixing it, the author used this to solve the problem. You can fix it just by replacing $INSTDIR by another variable.

I have resolved this. $INSTDIR seems to be automatically validated as you write to it hence strange behaviour. If you write to another variable such $0 all my problems go away. So now I FileRead to $0, strip [] from section name and then save results to $INSTDIR

Sorted! Thanks for your help


Thanks Deguix, I replied before refreshing the postings so didn't see your posting!!