Archive: Change of case question

Change of case question
I would like my installer to go to a directory of images and change the names of the files so that all the characters in the file name are lower case. I haven't been able to find a toUpperCase or toLowerCase function. How does one do this?

The new server we are moving to is case sensitive and the present files could be upper case, lower case, or mixed. I need these files to be consistent and so I would like them to be entirely lower case. Thanks in advance.

Wow, I did a search in the NSIS archive and guess what appeared, not 1 but 5 examples. Here's the StrLower function.

Sweet! Thank you so much. I tried searching on the words change case lower and upper in a bunch of combinations to no avail. Thanks again.

Were you searching the forum or the archive? I did a search in the archive for the word "lower".


a nice feature for archive pages would be keywords, like meta-tags for html

What would be a neat feature is a post that resides at the top of the forum that contains an index of links which fully represent the archive names in real time.

Ahhhnn, remember StrFunc.nsh (inside Include subdir)? That one that has the command ${StrCase} which changes strings into Lower Case, Upper Case, Title Case and Sentence Case?

To do that command I had to start from those functions you saw in Archive. So thanks Archive members for everything.

Hmmm, I haven't ever used that deguix. I didn't even know it existed....coool.

Nor I did about LogicLib.nsh! Sometimes you just don't want to know what possibilities are there.

(Hmmm... donuts. Ahhnhrnrnn....)

My buddy Don (DSelkirk) made the logic lib. I did most of the C side of the Service Library, because I had it implemented in another app, then he ported it so it would work in NSIS. Lots of interesting features that are scattered all over.

I want to update my FileInfo plugin to acquire file sizes and attributes, but I haven't gotten around to yet.