Archive: Display BMP

Display BMP
Hi there,
Im using the code from,167

If i put
!insertmacro DisplayImage "F:\Documents and Settings\image.bmp"

as hte first line of my first section, the image displays properly. But if i put it at the start of any other sections, the image is not drawn. Is it possible to use this code in this fashion?? Im trying to change the image as different things are installed.

You will need to use the system plugin to refresh the window.

You will need to use the system plugin to refresh the window.
Soemthing like this?

System::Call "User32::UpdateWindow($HWNDPARENT)"

except that doesn't work :(

Have you looked at the gfx.nsi example included with NSIS?

System::Call "User32::UpdateWindow(i $HWNDPARENT)"