Archive: New FileParse include file for NSIS

New FileParse include file for NSIS
Good news.

I've got it working, and furthermore I decided put the code I made into a function so that I can contribute to you all.

Thanks to fredtheman and Joost Verburg for your help.

This function allows you to copy files and make minor modifications in the files. Swapping in a value.

It requires the StrFunc include, I've called it FileParse. Only one routine thus far, I'm sure people will want to add more (or I'll add more in the future). The routine is:-

WriteWithSwap ResultVar OutPutFile InputFile StrToSearchFor StrToReplace

Like with StrFunc you have to call it bare first. Then you give it an inputfile and output file, a string to grab and a string to replace it with. It's read the input file and write it to the output file parsing in the swap string. Are you with me?

So how do I submit this include to NSIS? Like StrFunc?


Annn... You can simply post in the Archive and tell the user to put the file inside "Include" folder.