Archive: Question about Modern Interface/custom pages

Question about Modern Interface/custom pages

I'm a begining NSIS user, and I really enjoy it. Great piece of free software. I'm in the process of porting some InstallShield stuff for the company I work in to it.

However, I have a little problem: I try to use a custom page with the Modern UI, but the first time I get into a custom page, it's "Back" button behaves like the "Next" button.:( The second and subsequent times, it behaves correctly.

I was thinking that my code was causing the problem, but I compiled the InstallOptions.nsi (in the NSIS distribution) and the custom pages exhibit the same behavior.

Does anyone else has that problem ? I use NSIS 2.0.

Thanks in advance,


please *attach* some code to have a look into.
(pls do not copy&paste it as a posting)

Originally posted by Brummelchen
please *attach* some code to have a look into.
(pls do not copy&paste it as a posting)
I found out the culprit: I was using a makensis.exe from the 05/08/2004 from a development snapshot, instead of the one from 01/26/2004 which was in the NSIS 2.0 distribution.

That's why even the {$NSISDIR}\Examples\ModernUI\InstallOptions.nsi was failing to work properly.

Rolling back to the correct makensis.exe cured all my problems.:D
