Archive: Leave the losers behind like Installshield

Leave the losers behind like Installshield
ok .. I was wondering .. if a tooltip like this is possible:


NOTE: check the dhtml menu at the top of that link

I know that a plugin is needed for it if it is possible .. but I cant make it .. and Iam not saying that someone needs to make it .. Iam just saying ;) ... that

if you make shit like this .. then you would kick all the other installer software's assssssesss.. like REALLY HARD !!!!!! ...

With Regard, Vegeta :D

what does this have to do with installers? lobo's tooltip plugin is good enough. if nsis had any fancy feature you're thinking of, it'd probably as slow as installshield :p

lol .. but still .... it would be great if it had something like that :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

and I wasnt saying put a dhtml menu in a installer .. I was saying ... some like that .. I needed an example :)

it's kind of funny i used to use installsheild..and the sales guy used to email me,until one day i told him i switched to nsis and was having good more emails :)

It's possible to make it ;)

But the fade thing is support only on NT machines (2000/XP), I don't know the effect in lower machines. I can try in show you.

what you think?

OMFG .. there is teh wolf .. ..

and .. sounds great :D

I'll work tomorrow.. show it in the weekend.

As I said, the fade is only possible in NT OS's.

so .. it wont work on non-NT computers ?

or is the fading not going to work?.

to vegetasan (again):

Signature Size
- To keep the page loading time and visual annoyance factor down to a minimum, ensure your graphical signatures do not exceed a maximum of 12,500 pixels or 15 kilobytes file size, whichever is reached first. Alternatively, three lines of text can be used as a signature. Do not pad out your text lines with blanks lines. A line of text is defined such that it does not wrap when viewed at a resolution of 640x480. (WINAMP.COM Forum Rules)


Originally posted by VegetaSan
so .. it wont work on non-NT computers ?

or is the fading not going to work?.
both :/

Although, msdn offers the delay displaying the tips, maybe that can work.

But the font, font size, fore and backcolor can work with the new tooltip plugin
