Archive: Seeking for advise in NSIS version

Seeking for advise in NSIS version

I've just realized that NSIS 2.0 release is quite old, it's been released in february and the changelog is long indeed.
I'd like to know if a current build of NSIS is ready for production (a big load bugs seem to be present in the 2.0 release)?
I have the same question for InstallOptions. An 'alternate' version called InstallOptionsEx appeared recently and I'd like to know if it can be seen as an upgrade to InstallOptions or not?



InstallOptionsEx is in a beta version. NSIS is stable. I can't mix both of them under one now. I need to make IOEx stable first. Then you request its addition under NSIS. (Now I know how is to have a popular project)


Thanks for your reply regarding InstallOptionsEx. Could you tell me please whicg version of NSIS do you use, the 2.0 release or some recent build?



There have been a couple of fixes in CVS since 2.0. So if you own a compiler you can Download the latest snapshot and compile it yourself.

If not you have to wait until kichik release 2.01.

Meanwhile I figured out that C:\Program Files\NSIS is a CVS enabled directory tree, so I've updated the tree :)



You don't need a compiler for the CVS snapshot. It contains readily compiled binaries.


I use NSIS logging feature so I need it.



You need a compiler because the latest changes aren't compiled in the snapshot yet.

Originally posted by flizebogen
You need a compiler because the latest changes aren't compiled in the snapshot yet.
It says the snapshot is updated many times a day, but yes the snapshot may not get updated until the end of a day perhaps.


You misunderstand. As shown in the CVS log the latest Code Change was 15 July but the makensis.exe is dated 15 May. Kickik don't compiles at every change therefore i have said that he has to wait until 2.01 gets out in case he don't own a compiler.

Oh. Then things have changed. It used to get updated very often.


But I know that the project moderators try to upload the binary edition at the same time the fix has been made in the source code. But yeah, sometimes they fail.

Somehow I think the Snapshot has been updated (yesterday infact).
If you look on the Development page, it says:

Download the latest snapshot

Development snapshot generated Thu, 29 Jul 2004, 07:44:24 GMT
When they add updates to the Snapshot, they may not have made changes to the compiler, but to plugins, examples, documents etc.


Whats new in the nightly builds can be seen here:

The snapshot is updated no matter what has changed in CVS. It's automatic. There have been some problems with SourceForge recenetly that caused it to not update but normally it should update at least once a day.


Since the makensis I've got created crashing installers even for example1.nsi and example2.nsi, I think I have to get back to 2.0 release.

You should always use stable releases unless you have a good reason not to do so. NSIS 2.01 is due out soon.

Please give detailed information about the crash problems. Also make sure all source files are up-do-date and see the users manual for information about compilation.

Hi Joost,

The non-working NSIS version was a NSIS 2.0, updated via CVS to current.
Since then I've downloaded the nightly link and it works fine.



The nightly is a copy of the CVS version, I think some of your CVS files were outdated.