Archive: DeleteRegKey Can't Delete Unicode Registry Entries

DeleteRegKey Can't Delete Unicode Registry Entries
Hello all, :)

I am having a problem deleting unicode registry entries (Japanese, Arabic, etc) using DeleteRegKey.

I traced the problem into the code, Source\exehead\exec.c function myRegDeleteKeyEx, I found that the fucntion RegEnumKey is not returning the key name properly. The problem appears on XP Home and 2000, but it doesn't appear on XP pro. I know this is a limitation from RegEnumKey because it is not designed to handle unicode entries, but that means that our beloved NSIS installer is unable to handle unicode registry entries as well.

I writting this post hoping that someone out there went through the same problem and found a solution for it, or maybe someone can come up with an idea to solve this issue.


Try writing a new value to the registry key, and then deleting it.


You can call RegEnumKeyW with System.dll.