Archive: Installer Path Question

Installer Path Question
ok i make AMX installers and so on and the way i make them they have to add their e-mail in the install dir. im am wanting it to auto find there e-mail instead. now i know i have to look in regedit and find the install path and i did its "c:\valve\steam\steamapps\\half-life" but now heres the problem i need my files to install to c:\valve\steam\steamapps\\dedicated server" what should i do?

Search the forum, this Steam question have already been asked and answered more than once. In short, GetParent.

Just like Kichik said, you need to do:

ReadRegStr $R0 "HKCU" "Software\Valve\Steam" "ModInstallPath"
;$R0 == 'c:\valve\steam\steamapps\[account]\half-life'

Push $R0
Call GetParent
Pop $R0
;$R0 == 'c:\valve\steam\steamapps\[account]'

StrCpy $R0 "$R0\dedicated server"
;$R0 == 'c:\valve\steam\steamapps\[account]\dedicated server'

I've been using my NSIS Self-Extractor kit to distribute maps. It checks for that registry entry, and if it does not exist, it searches for the SteamApps folder until found on either C: D: E: When that dir is found, it then finds hostileintent folder in the SteamApps folder to extract to.

Edit: Make sure you include the GetParent function in your script.


hey Afrow UK do you have any kind of messenger say msn or aim we you could help me with this in live time if you dont mind

Yes I do, MSN: afrowuk at tiscali dot co dot uk


Hi Afrow UK
can u add me to msn please
i need some help

thank you