Archive: User Input

User Input

Can someone help please.
Is it possible to create an installer which can allow user to input data then generate a html file?


Use an InstallOptions dialogue.
Write to files using FileOpen, FileWrite, FileClose


Write to files using FileOpen, FileWrite, FileClose
And yeah, lots of functions or macros that add functionality to your program.

Depending on the type of the functions or macros, you could post them on the Archive afterwards, because I would be interested in one as I'll use in the future to read from HTML files. :)

Thanks Afrow,

I am a newibe, is there any examples that you can post in here?

Actually, what i want to do is to create an installer, user run it and input their details - name/mobile/title/email adress and the details will past to the html email template, then the html email template will copy to their c:\program files\ etc, edit the registry for outlook to use that email template (stationary) as default email template.


See Contrib\InstallOptions folder. There's an InstallOptions example in there, along with the readme of course.


Thanks Afrow,

Will read and if i really really couldn't work it out, i will post another thread.
