Archive: Another "Installing Files..." Page

Another "Installing Files..." Page

I have a question.
How can I change the "installpage" to a other page?
It´s not a complete page, only the install status should be different.

Here is an example for the new page:

It´s should be like this.

But how can I change this?

Try attaching the image, the host times out.

Ok, the file is attaching

It is possible, but it's not easy, it won't be adding one command to the script. Do you want to know how to do it?

if he doesn't, i do :)

Edit the UI (Contrib\UIs), add another progress bar to dialog number 106 and control that progress bar using FindWindow, GetDlgItem and SendMessage. If you want each file to have its own progress bar you'd have to change the source code. It already calculates the percentage, you just need to make it update the progress bar instead of the log window.

To edit UIs use Resource Hacker.
To send messages to the progress bar, search the forum/archive/MUI source for FindWindow and GetDlgItem, you'll find plenty of examples.
The relevant source code can be found in Source/exehead/fileform.c, verProc function.

If you get something done, please post an example in the Archive.

If you get something done, please post an example in the Archive.
The whole thing done would be much better...:)

Okay, I add a prograss bar instead of the log window.
The added progress bar is shown in the Setup.
But it doesn´t fill it. Only the total progress bar will fill.

I would look in the archives, but I don´t find it ^^

NSIS homepage->NSIS Archive.

If you get something done, please post an example in the Archive.
Why don't someone make a patch for NSIS to be added in future versions? At least there are some people who would like the addition. (or maybe I'll just forget it...)