Archive: Programatically updating InstallOptions dialogs

Programatically updating InstallOptions dialogs
I seem to have a problem with InstallOptions caching the values of the INI file. I am attempting to modify the dialog box contents based on field values; I call my validate function via a NOTIFY control, update the INI and then fire Abort to redisplay. My changes get written to the INI, but InstallOptions doesn't seem to want to load them. However, if I manually update the fields via the UI, then those changes seem to take.

Is there any way to force InstallOptions.dll to reload the INI file each time? Does InstallOptions2 do this?


InstallOptions does not read the INI file for a second time after the verification function has returned. You should use GetDlgItem, SendMessage and friends to change the dialog. Contrib\InstallOptions\testnotify.nsi demonstrates this.