Archive: can size be fixed with MUI_WELCOMEFINISHPAGE_BITMAP

I am trying to add an image that doesn't scale well using MUI_WELCOMEFINISHPAGE_BITMAP.

The problem I encountered is when I run my installer using 1280x1024 and 1024x768 the bitmap is not the same size. Is there a setting to make the bitmap size fixed and set any scaled background to a particular color?

If so, is there a preferred size for the bitmap?

I also looked at the sample which uses the branding image but I prefer to use the MUI_WELCOMEFINISHPAGE_BITMAP if it can work.

If it can't, what functions do I create so that my branding image will display on my Welcome, License, and Finish pages at all resoutions?

The branding sample doesn't follow what the MUI wizard in HM NIS Edit outputs and I read that I can't set up the branding image in .onInit.

Here's what I've come up with on the branding so far but I think the Page license licenseImage part is wrong.

Push $0
GetTempFileName $0
File /oname=$0 "${IMAGE}"
SetBrandingImage ${PARMS} $0
Delete $0
Pop $0

AddBrandingImage left 191

Page license licenseImage
Function licenseImage
!insertmacro BIMAGE ".\setup.bmp" ""

Thanks for your help.

Does your Welcome/Finish page bitmap use the recommended size?

From the MUI ReadMe:

Bitmap for the Welcome page and the Finish page (recommended size: 164x314 pixels).

> Does your Welcome/Finish page bitmap use the recommended size?

I started with that (I copied one of the bitmaps from the C:\Program Files\NSIS\Contrib\Graphics\Wizard
folder). However, even those get distorted. My next step was to get the dimensions on the system I was testing on (1280x1024) and I came up with 191x291 using PSP and saw no strectching or distortion in the text in the bitamp. However, when I went to test this on a 1024x768 monitor it looked horrible.

I also didn't find MUI_WELCOMEFINISHPAGE_BITMAP in the MUI read me and searching came up with nothing. What section is it in?

Thanks for your help.

Okay, I found it in the MUI readme. I poked around before posting but didn't find it (and search doesn't work on the collapsed sections apparently).

I found MUI_WELCOMEFINISHPAGE_BITMAP_NOSTRETCH which will probably do what I need although it looks like the background of my bitmap will need to be white. It looks odd with the current color when it is clipped.

Thanks for replying pengyou.