Archive: How to require one of X optional sections

How to require one of X optional sections
Dear all,

I have browsed the NSIS documentation and archive for quite a while, but have yet to find a solution for my problem ...
I am creating an Installer for a suite of (currently) two programs. The installer has five sections:
1.- Program A
2.- Program B
3.- Create Shortcuts for selected Programs on Desktop
4.- Install VB Runtime
5.- Register Control Components

3. to 5. are optional, none of these is a "must". How can I make sure that at least one of 1. or 2. (or more is the suite is extended) is selected, so that the user can choose to install either any one or both of the programs?

Until now, I only found approaches showing how to allow _at most_ one of a group of items to be select, but not _at least_ one ...

Any feedback is highly appreciated :)

!include sections.nsh

Section programA sec01
section code here...

Section /o programB sec02
section code here...

section /o shortcuts
section code here...

Section /o vb runtimes
section code here...

Section /o Register
section code here...

Function .onselchange
!insertmacro StartRadioButtons $1
!insertmacro RadioButton ${sec01}
!insertmacro RadioButton ${sec02}
!insertmacro EndRadioButtons

try something like this ?

Hi razor_x,

thanks for your reply :) ... but with the RadioButton approach, as one would expect, I can only install one of the programs, not both at the same time, since selecting of them automatically de-selects the other :p ...

ok sorry I guess I misunderstood..what about something like this...

might not be what you are after,but it will work or it may give you other ideas.

Thanks a lot, I'll give it a try! :up: