Archive: nsisdl.dll trojan

nsisdl.dll trojan
received an alert this morning that nsisdl.dll was infected with some trojan and deleted from my machine.

Has anyone had similiar problem?
What effect does deletion of nsisdl.dll have on functioning of nsis, nsis compilation, etc?
What function does nsisdl.dll perform?



'nsisdl.dll' is the NSISDL pluging which enables you (or say, the installer) to download files from a webserver. If you search through the NSIS Discussion archives, you may notice that it's a common problem, a number of people met it including me.
Well, I've "found" a solution: I've modified / recompiled the plugin for other reasons (see for details), and Virusscan no longer recognizes nsisdl.dll as a trojan.



scroll down ... :/

Last rule for postings - check if no other had posted this question or topic before ;)

Originally posted by Brummelchen
Last rule for postings - check if no other had posted this question or topic before ;)
so easily said yet so hard to do at times it seems (for some :( )


DrO - nobodys perfect - me too

i often searched over and over again for my priblems and i sometimes asked and i got an answer "look here" :D

in case of one word "hoax" or "virus" its very easy - but how to on multiple keywords - its not google here ;)

i know it's hard to do, i've often spent a while looking for old threads myself (since the search on the forums does suck) but at least trying and saying that when people post does help a bit, since often a little push in the right direction is needed :)

/me wonders what the forums would be like with google search... :D


ok guys, message received...

It should be a "sticky" about false alarms....

*points to kichik ;)

/me points to