Archive: Uninstalling MUI Start Menu

Uninstalling MUI Start Menu
When I try to use the MUI_STARTMENU_GETFOLDER macro in the uninstall script without having displayed a startmenu page in the installer, it doesn't work. The question is not so much why, but rather, is there a MUI-style way to get around this or am I stuck using ReadRegStr?

readregstr is easy to use, no ?

Absolutely, I can use ReadRegStr, but what I was trying to do was !include my uninstaller script in both the base installer and an upgrade. The way I got it working used a bunch of redundant !defines in my base installer, some of which were gobbled up by the !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_STARTMENU and some of which were used later in the uninstaller.

So yes, it works, but (this is just a suggestion so you're welcome to ignore it) it would be nice if there was an elegant way to handle this. For example, something like !insertmacro MUI_DECLARE_STARTMENU which would declare everything the page function does, without actually showing the page.