Archive: System::Call is not working with Win98

System::Call is not working with Win98
I have a custom Dll, that I use with System::Call . It works fine with 2000 , 2003 and XP , but it does not work with win98. Is it a problem with my Dll or with System:Call compatability with win98.


System::Call 'InstLibrary::isValidProductKey(t r1)i .r2'
IntCmp $2 1 validKey
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "Key Not valid!!!"

System::Call should work on Win98, AFAIK. What exactly is going wrong? (I think you can pop an error message from the stack if System::Call fails.) Also maybe check your search path; I know the different operating systems use different search paths, and that may stop it from finding your DLL.

What's r1? Maybe some attachment I can try it in my old Win98?

I copy the dll to a temp directory. The I set the SetOutPath to that location so that system::call can see my dll

r1 is a string . It's a product key . I use a function in the dll to check if it's a valid key . The problem is not with the function as I tried caling several other function in the dll and none gets called.

The odd thing is that there is no error also . It skips the iferrors statement and dies on IntCmp statement. The output from the MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP " Output: $2"
is " Output: error" . Hope this may shed some light on the problem.

; check if the product key is valid
System::Call 'InstLibrary::isValidProductKey(t r1) i .r2'
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP " Output: $2"
iferrors 0 moveNextInst
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP " Error in System Call:"
IntCmp $2 1 validKey
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "Key Not valid!!!"

Sorry... same :/

From this view, I don't see problems with your last post code.... I'm still confised about r1, can you post how r1 become string?

Sounds like a "no unicode support" error. Try installing unicows.dll (The win9x unicode support library) onto your 95/98/ME, NT4 box, then try again.

Those platforms listed above don't support unicode fully, and if your dll calls any unicode function, or was compiled with unicode support on a box that supports unicode, your dll may not function on these OSes.

For Lobo Lunar -
Now you cans ee where the value is coming from. It's a custom Page that asks for a username and a password. But that should have no effect on the outcome of the system:call

Push ${TEMP1}
InstallOptions::dialog $PLUGINSDIR\CustomDialog.ini
Pop ${TEMP1}
StrCmp ${TEMP1} "success" 0 continue
; get the values of the Name and Product key
ReadINIStr $0 "$PLUGINSDIR\CustomDialog.ini" "Field 1" "State"

ReadINIStr $1 "$PLUGINSDIR\CustomDialog.ini" "Field 3" "State"

strcmp $debugMode "Yes" 0 +2
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP " $\nName: $0 $\nKEY: $1"
; check if the product key is valid
System::Call 'InstLibrary::isValidProductKey(t r1) i .r2'
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP " Output: $2"
iferrors 0 moveNextInst
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP " Error in System Call:"
IntCmp $2 1 validKey
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "Key Not valid!!!"
Strcpy $UserName $0
StrCpy $Key $1

I have no idea why this would work on any OS, but is your dll function _stdcall or _cdecl?

I use stdcall for my functions . This is what I use.

extern "C" int __stdcall isValidProductKeyNSIS( const char *productKey )

Is there any difference between isValidProductKey and isValidProductKeyNSIS? (and shouldn't that declaration have included a __declspec(dllexport)?)

Try from this:

System::Call 'InstLibrary::isValidProductKey(t r1) i .r2'

To this:

System::Call 'InstLibrary::isValidProductKey(t "$1") i .r2'

/edit: Forgot the "'s

-Is there any difference between isValidProductKey and isValidProductKeyNSIS? (and shouldn't that declaration have included a __declspec(dllexport)?)

Well I use a .def file for exporting the functions, the function name was just a misspell in the previous post , sorry about that

"Lobo Lunar"
System::Call 'InstLibrary::isValidProductKey(t "$1") i .r2'

Well what did you wanted me to do with the "'s .Also the coe that I am using works fine with ME,2000, XP So i think there is nothing wrong with the syntax. It's just that maybe my installer cannot locate the dll.

Well what did you wanted me to do with the "'s
Nowhere :/

Is just my personal not that I forgot to include the ".
If the path is the problem, then you should try use the InitpluginsDir

I do use the InitpluginsDir

Then... I rest my case.... :/

If $2 is "error" after the call, System.dll couldn't find or load the DLL or the address of the requested function.

I suggest you try loading the DLL using a call to kernel32::LoadLibrary with the ?e flag and see what you get.

It's probably a missing import.

Can you tell me the full command name. Also where is the manual for system dll ( like the info on return values etc)
This looks like a good lead.

Which command name? LoadLibrary? That's already the full name.

The documentation is, as always, in Contrib\<Plug-in name>. In this case, Contrib\System\System.txt or System.html if you're using the latest CVS version.

You should also take a look at:

So I need to load the dll first with kernel32::LoadLibrary
and then call system::call

No. You should use LoadLibrary and the ?e flag to see if you get any error. If you get an error, you know something went wrong with loading the DLL and you also have the error code.

It's a test, not a solution.

You mean something like this

System::Call 'kernel32::LoadLibrary(t "${INSTALLERDLL}\ApplianzInstallerLibrary.dll" ) v ?e'
and then pop the stack

Yes. But I'd get the return value too, just to make sure you get all the details.

What is the function prototype for Kernel::LoadDll
Does it return a int or a pointer to an Int.

System::Call 'kernel32::LoadLibrary(t "${INSTALLERDLL}\ApplianzInstallerLibrary.dll" ) i .r4 ? e'


System::Call 'kernel32::LoadLibrary(t "${INSTALLERDLL}\ApplianzInstallerLibrary.dll" ) !i .r4 ?e'

It returns HMODULE which you should treat as an integer.

When I pop the variable I get the result 1157 . The return value is 0.

System::Call 'kernel32::LoadLibrary(t "${INSTALLERDLL}\ApplianzInstallerLibrary.dll" ) i .r4 ? e'
POP $5
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "Library Loadinjg Message: $5 , return value : $4"

From WinError.h:


So how do I get system:: to see my dll . I have tried putting it in system folder , system32 , windows . What can it be ?
I am dining the temp dir as :

!define INSTALLERDLL "$TEMP\eInspect"

The I copy the dll with these commands

File C:\ApplianzDevWorkingFolder\Client\ApplianzInstallerLibrary\Debug\ApplianzInstallerLibrary.dll

System::Call 'ApplianzInstallerLibrary::isValidProductKeyNSIS(t r1) i .r2'

Hmm... Lets skip this method, seems not so reliable. Go to Start->Run and type:

regsvr32 "C:\ApplianzDevWorkingFolder\Client\ApplianzInstallerLibrary\Debug\ApplianzInstal

What does the error message say?

Well I am attching the screenshot of what I got after running the command.

That looks like XP. Didn't you say your problem is on Windows 98?

Sorry for that. I did not realise I was running the command on Xp . Well when I ran that on win98 it said "Bdd Command" . Does that mean that I am missing some basic libraries on 98 .

No, it probably means the path is not set right. Anyway, lets just skip the testing part and assume it is a missing import. Use Dependency Walker on the DLL (from Windows 98) and see what it's missing.

Well I did run it. It gave the following error

Taken from:;en-us;249873

LoadLibrary("Dllname") failed. GetlastError returns 0x00000485

From Winerror.h, 0x00000485 = 1157 (ERROR_DLL_NOT_FOUND), which means "One of the library files needed to run this application cannot be found." For example, typing regsvr32 missing.dll returns this error message if the Missing.dll file is not found.
So it really is a missing import. Use Dependecy Walker to find out which one it is.

[edit] hmm... misread that... seems like it can't find the DLL. Assuming the DLL is really located in C:\, I'd still say it's a missing import.

My two bits: Why are you tring to use the debug version of the DLL? Maybe switching to a release version would help.

I ran the Depends and it says I am missing msi.dll

Then you must require the user to install MSI, or, the more reasonable solution, remove that dependency as it makes no sense. You're already using NSIS, why would you need MSI?

Thanks Man .. It Worked
Well in the end it required MSI.dll . But why would it require MSI.dll . I just created a dll using VS6.0 .
But in the end it worked.. Thats what matters. Thanks a lot for helping me out. Now I can sleep tonight. Thanks to all of you who gave their input and special thanks to "kichik" for meking it work.