Archive: Can a NSIS Function/Section return a value

Can a NSIS Function/Section return a value
Hi all,

I am very much new to NSIS, and I have not got any detailed tutorial for NSIS functions and Sections.

My question is, I want to define some functions in .nsh file and I want those functions to return some value when I will call those functions from the .nsi script file. Can I do this?

Plz help me out?

Thank u.


As far as i know it is only possible by using variables

Ok... than how can u access the variables declared in .nsh files in the .nsi script file.



All variables are global. You can access them anywhere.

Another (less convenient but less error-prone) way to return a value from a function is to push the result to the stack before you return.

Thanks for reply. Its working with global variables.
