Archive: How to call my.exe file through the uninstall section.

How to call my.exe file through the uninstall section.
Hi all,
I have a problem in uninstallation.
I need to execute my own exe from the uninstall section. I create a uninstaller by the statement
WriteUninstaller "UnInstall.exe"
After installation the uninstall.exe gets called from add/remove program.
I wanted to call another program(clean.exe) which I have written in the "Uninstall" section and removes some registry entries.

Section "Uninstall"
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\MYAPP"
Exec "clean.exe" ;with full path
But this does not get called and my uninstallation fails.
I checks the clean.exe always in \Temp dir
Can anybody tell me the correct way of doing it or point to useful example of doing this.

Thanks in advance.

Is that the real uninstall section or something you wrote as an example? If it's the real one, add the full path, quote and think about using ExecWait. If it's not, attach the real sciprt.

Thanks for ur answer.

I added the full path and "my.exe" is getting called.
