Archive: How to run things on the finish page ?

How to run things on the finish page ?
I updated to version 2.0

How can I add checkbox on the finish page
like I did on older versions with:



Search for the following defines in the MUI readme:


why don't you simply read the MODERN UI README FILE (<nsisdir>\Contrib\Modern UI\Readme.html) instead of open up lots of threads?
most of your questions are answered there in a fast and understandable way.


I not sleepy but I almost feel asleep 3 times looking this UI readme (I guess it's just me :-)

Anyway - kichik (unlike you) gave me some super fast useful answers

I love U man ! (not U :-)

Originally posted by Comm@nder21
why don't you simply read the MODERN UI README FILE (<nsisdir>\Contrib\Modern UI\Readme.html) instead of open up lots of threads?
most of your questions are answered there in a fast and understandable way.

ok, then you've got a problem :)
even me has to look back to the docs often, because i forget the right syntax or spelling sometimes.
so, can you imagine how the forums would look like, if i'd post here everytime? :)

it was ment as a hint for you, to have a look at the readme, it may save YOUR (and our) time to look there, instead of the internet :)


1. Forums R made 4 searching... the more data => the better forum...
(Maybe there should B some improvment on forums search...)

2. If room on the server is the problem then I agree with you and I would delete this message (if I only could)
but I don't think it's the case...

It's not my fault that U wrote a shitty HTML UI readme file instead of CHM searchable help file...

Originally posted by Comm@nder21
ok, then you've got a problem :)
even me has to look back to the docs often, because i forget the right syntax or spelling sometimes.
so, can you imagine how the forums would look like, if i'd post here everytime? :)

it was ment as a hint for you, to have a look at the readme, it may save YOUR (and our) time to look there, instead of the internet :)

Well, I found out the readme file is not that bad,
it seemed bad when IE failed finding text strings in it...

Anyway, it can be not so clear if you want to know what is the new name of some MUI that does not exist anymore...

May god bless NSIS, it's makers and me.