Archive: help with error during compile readregstr

help with error during compile readregstr
I get the following;
Function: "DetectJRE"
Usage: ReadRegStr $(user_var: output) rootkey subkey entry
Error in script "stdin" on line 2029 -- aborting creation process


ReadRegStr $(TEMP2) HKLM "SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment" "CurrentVerision"

Any ideas?

$(TEMP2) is not a variable. Variables start with "$" but without "()" or "{}".

I copied this from an example script to detect installed J2SE.
Does it matter that it is defined?
!define TEMP2 $R1

deguix is right, beside, try simple things:

ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment" "CurrentVerision"

If you want your custom variables, see Var instruction.

is their a way to test a numeric variable (1.4) with a > < test?

You can use:

IntCmp command - only for integer numbers.
Math plugin

Why can I never find these things
Thanks very much. :-)