Archive: IE and new windows

IE and new windows

Does anybody know how to create a shortcut to an internet address, and force ie to open it in a new window???


If you want to just open a URL, use

ExecShell "" ""

You can create a .url file by using WriteINIStr:
WriteINIStr "$SMPROGRAMS\MyApp\MyAppWeb.url" "InternetShortcut" ""

And then execute that using ExecShell.


Afrow: I think that still relies upon the user's internet settings... I think the poster wants to specifically open an IE window, and force it to override the "Open shortcuts in same window" preference...

sfranklin: Am I correct in my above guesses? (Of course, if you don't care which browser and forcing a new window is not neccessary, just do it the way Afrow says. It works. ;) )

Your correct, i can create a link to a web page but it opens in any open ie page, which means you can lose whatever you were working on.

As a work around for anyone who has a similar problem, i found the default ie settings is to open files in a new window, so i created a simple html file which redirects to the site i want the shortcut to point to.

Far from elegant, but it does work