Archive: How can I hide the "Choose start menu" screen but keep using the start menu ?

How can I hide the "Choose start menu" screen but keep using the start menu ?
I want to skip the "Choose start menu dir" screen but still use the start menu...

When I disable this line:

Then it just put the icons on the root ("...Program Files")

What variable should I update so it will create the start menu like this:
"...Program files\MyDirName"

Thanks in advance, Yovav.

I Think you want to Create a Startmenue Folder for your app, so you can use:

CreateDirectory "$SMPROGRAMS\My App\"
CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\My App\App.lnk" "$INSTDIR\App.EXE" "" "$INSTDIR\AppIcon.ICO"

with this Example, you would create a Shortcut in
Start\Programs\My App\

I hope this helps

greetz Dave

in-fact I was trying to remember the dir chosen by the user for the uninstall...

I guess I'll create a reg key and check it on uninstall...

Thanks anyway.

which dir do you want to remember, if you won't let the user choose it??

I want to skip the "Choose start menu dir" screen but still use the start menu...

Comm@nder21 - U R right, I made some mess in here...
the reason I wanted to disable the "Choose start menu dir"
is that I saw uninstall does not take care of special user selected folders...

The Installer and the Uninstaller work fine for me, but you can create an ini File which includes all Paths the User has choosen, and let the Uninstaller check this File for the Paths

hope this helps

greetz Dave


I finally decided to cancel the "Choose start menu dir"
so the install will be shorter and clearer for the user
(I managed to remove the user selected dir)