Archive: A good installer design?

A good installer design?
Hi All,
Well first of all a big round of applause for NSIS.
Secondly, an applause for me as i managed to convince my management to use NSIS against InstallShield :D .

We are in the process of designing an installer to deploy our web application along with tomcat.
I have managed to get a hang of most of the things except one (so far ;-)). Here it goes...

1. Welcome page click Next
2. Page 2 click next
3. Page 3 is a dummy information page which shows the progress of the tomcat installation with back, next and cancel buttons disabled.
Now i would like that as soon as the installation is complete, "Next" button should be enabled automatically.
Somehow i cant manage to find a way to enable the next button.

My Questions:
1. Is it possible using my approach?
2. Is there a better way in use or someone is aware of?

thanks in advance.

Start the Tomcat application with the ExecWait command, so NSIS will wait until Tomcat finishes.

I hope this helps

greetz Davion

Thanks for the reply...

I am already doing something similar. As soon as the user goes from page 2 to page 3 (the tomcat installation page), the next, back and cancel buttons are shown disabled with the tomcat installer being run in the background using the
ExecWait tomcatsetup.exe /S /D="blah"
My problem is that once the installation is complete i would like to enable the next button.

Hope i am able to make myself a bit clear now.

Why don't you use the banner plugin (see contrib\banner) to notify the user of the progress of the tomcat installer ?
I use the banner plugin to show my users that a database upgrade is beeing run silent.
The procedure is someting like:
- Hide installer window
- show banner
- ExecWait the program silent
- After the program finishes then
- Hide Banner
- Show installer window
- Display error messages (if any)

I'll have to check if your solution is usable.


Thanks Crisp...but unfortunately i had already found the solution.
Your solution is more elegant though... perhaps i will incorporate the changes if i have some time in the end.
BTW, do you have any idea on accessing sql server from nsis? I have a post based on an issue i am facing. Would you be kind enough to read it and reply please?