22nd September 2004 03:31 UTC
How to display long text on Banner
Hi all,
I want to display a text message on banner. But banner doesn't display the full text, it truncates the characters after 32nd characters.
I tried by using the following syntax :
Banner::show /NOUNLOAD "$(IDS_MYMSG)"
Banner::show /NOUNLOAD /set 76 "$(IDS_MYMSG)"
but non of the syntax display the full text message.
Can any one tell me where I am wrong...
Afrow UK
22nd September 2004 13:18 UTC
If you're using MUI, you can display two messages on the dialogue like so:
Banner::show /NOUNLOAD /set 76 "$(IDS_MYMSG1)" "$(IDS_MYMSG2)"
22nd September 2004 14:23 UTC
Thanks for reply...
But the problem is that there is a single variable $(IDS_MYMSG1), which contains a long text message. The message can not be broken into two variable without changing the gramatical meaning, as we don't know where exactly the text message is truncated.
So how do I do this. Is there any way that the banner size can be increased, or wrap the text to fit into a single variable.
Plz someone reply soon.....
Afrow UK
22nd September 2004 15:45 UTC
Get Resource Hacker to modify dialogue 111 in your installer's UI file. You can use it to make the Banner plugin dialogue wider, and make the text Label control larger.
22nd September 2004 16:03 UTC
Thanks again...
I don't know how to work with Resource Hacker, Can u plz give me example.
Afrow UK
22nd September 2004 16:42 UTC
Make a copy of the UI that you want to use (e.g. modern.exe) incase you mess up the original.
Open it with ResHacker and select ID 111 on the list.
Do Compile Script when done, and then File > Save.
To use the modified UI use ChangeUI all "ui.exe" in your NSIS script.
23rd September 2004 03:34 UTC
woh...... its working very well..
Thank u very much for ur support.... now I am able to display my long text message.