Archive: BDE install - problem

BDE install - problem
Please help me. I need to install BDE. I found in this forum how to, but I have a problem.

I wrote thi to the section:

Section "BDE" Section_2
File "D:\bde\BdeInst.dll"
GetTempFileName $0
File /oname=$0 "$INSTDIR\BDE\BdeInst.DLL"
CallInstDLL $0 /NOUNLOAD DllRegisterServer
Section End

But I got this error message:

Section: "BDE" ->(Section_2)
SetOutPath: "$INSTDIR\BDE"
File: "BdeInst.dll" [compress] 3657829/3853824 bytes
GetTempFileName -> $0
File: "$INSTDIR\BDE\BdeInst.DLL" -> no files found.
Usage: File [/nonfatal] [/a] ([/r] filespec [...]|/oname=outfile one_file_only)
Error in script "C:\Program Files\NSIS\Examples\Modern UI\ACM-1.3.nsi" on line 159 -- aborting creation process

Sorry I got it.... I am so blind.... :-(