Archive: SubSection header(or description).

SubSection header(or description).
I'm making an installer now, that has several SubSections.

When I look at examples of SubSection scripts, they look like this:

But I was wondering if it would be possible to have a header name for each SubSection?

I don't want to use a SubSection using RO to do this(like in the example above), because it could confuse the user into thinking that the whole SubSection, or at least parts of it, is required, when in fact you will be able to choose not to install any of the options in the SubSection if you want.

I have made an image edit to show you how I would like it to look:

Is this possible?

[EDIT]I see now that my image edit may not be functionally correct(not sure), but I think you still get my point; I want a header name for each SubSection.[/EDIT]

Thanks in advance. :)


Sorry - it seems to have been a temporary lapse of brain function on my part...

I think I have it figured out now. Not exactly like my example above, but since I'm able to deselect the whole SubSection, I think I already have what I need.

So if a moderator feels like removing this thread, go ahead.

Actually - I may need some help anyway, since the fact that I could de-select a SubSection turned out to be because of a bug in my script.

When I fixed the bug, everything works like it's supposed to, but I need to be able to de-select the SubSections.

-As it is now, people will be forced to choose one component from each of my SubSections.

But I want all SubSections to be optional: you are supposed to be able to de-select a SubSection, and still - if you choose to have the SubSection checked - only be able to select one of the options in the SubSection.

Now the SubSections are required, even though the script dosn't "tell them" to be(no !required or RO I mean).

I have been following this example I found at these forums(attached to this post), and everything in my script now works like the example does.

But I need to have the above stated functionality as well.

How do I do that(is it possible)?

I still need help, but I'm going to rephrase it:

(forget the first post, btw)

Is it possible to change the script attached to my previous post into behaving in such a way that all options in all SubSections are unchecked, but if you choose to check a checkbox in a SubSection, it will still only be possible to check one of the checkboxes?

I need this because I want all the SubSections to be optional, like the single options are.

As it is now, the user will have to choose one option from each SubSection. But I want them to be able to disable a SubSection entirely if they want. But then if they do check a checkbox, only one option in the SubSection will be selectable.

Hard to explain, but I hope you understand.