Finish Page side image Install\Uninstall
Hello All,
I tried adding a side image bitmap to the Finish page on installation and uninstallation. I was surprised to find out that If I add the same image to the install and unsintall using MUI_WELCOMEFINISHPAGE_BITMAP and MUI_UNWELCOMEFINISHPAGE_BITMAP I get twice the file size increase than if I use only one of them. Meaning that if you use both, the image is loaded twice onto the setup executable. Since my application is downloadable through the net, the size of the setup file is of high priority to me.
I am wondering if someone out there faced the same problem? or if someone knows a fix for the problem.
Also, an item I put on my NSIS wish-list, and that is support for JPG images sice they are considerably smaller than bmp files.
Thanks y'all. :)