Archive: Streaming wma/mp3 NSIS example

Streaming wma/mp3 NSIS example
does anyone have an example of streaming audio [not a MOD] that streams an audio file [wma/mp3] from a remote server during installation ? I went to un4seen's BassMOD site and they have the dll for this....I am just too new to implement it into my NSIS app..yet :)

does anyone have any example code in NSIS on how to use this ?

many thanks

Hi...just keeping the post current

my NSIS installer downloads and then executes 12 meg Quicktime Installer. Many of the users are I guess I am looking at about 30 minutes to download and install. Streaming an 8kbit audio file during this 'eternity' would drastically help matters as the client is a record company and would love a 'radio station-like' audio file to stream for their users...

Use System plugin. There has been an old topic talking about this, but it had so many posts that some people get confused there. So I'm going to post the BASS header file here (with fixes). The zip file contains an example to play MP3 files. Additionally you need to have:

- BASS.dll - to use about all functions available in the header file.
- BASSCD.dll (not required)- to use some functions to play/rip CD music.
- BASSWMA.dll (not required)- to use some functions to play .wma files.
- (Recommended - not required) documentation of each component above to know how to use the codes correctly.

There is NO documentation, so you need to go inside the header file and understand it...

do I need a specific verison of bass.dll?
I downloaded version

No, you can use it with any recent version of BASS.dll.

I'll try it in Win2k as it did not seem to be working in XP....I am using Virtual PC so the problem could lie there.
The example in the folder is for a local file. I can easily code the streaming of a local file :) In my case, I need to stream a file from a server. Is there an example of this...
many thanks

No, I don't have one. But I know the commands said on the documentation which makes it possible:

BASS_Init (Initializes an output device).
BASS_StreamCreateURL (Stream of MP3, MP2, MP1, OGG or WAV file on the internet).
BASS_StreamPreBuf (Pre-buffer initial sample data ready for playback of a stream).
BASS_StreamPlay (Plays a stream).

I'll give it a whirl and upon success...I'll post the example to the list. I'm sure a lot of people have need of this kind of thing...keeping users entertained during a download/install
