Archive: SP2 changes..

SP2 changes..

I haven't installed Windows XP Serive Pack 2 (and hove no intensions to do so either), but I'm a little worried on how installers will work..

First of all, is there any problems with changing registry settings, such as:

-HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Windows/Run ?

My installer do add an autostart entry, and the uninstaller removes it - could there be any problems?

Secondly, this new feature called DEP (Data Execution Prevention).. Will it prevent programs from being run at startup? Is it possible to autostart a program located in the windir for example?

If anyone here have SP2 installed and would like to share some experiances I would be glad!


Anyone know?

Best Regards

I have it and no, there aren't problems with our installers from NSIS in Windows XP SP2.

The firewall blocks some ports if you try to connect to Internet.

DEP is not related to execution of programs. It's about executing code which is not marked as executable in memory. If you don't know what it means, you have nothing to worry about.

I have had a few of my .exe's get tagged by DEP. My assumption based on the above comment is that a plugin I am using is written such that the code it executes is not properly marked as executable in memory (reading the MS KB articles, this all fits together).

Has anyone identified any NSIS plugins that get tagged by DEP on a consistent basis?

I am trying to narrow it down, but the two .exe's I have that have had this happen call several plugins, so I am trying to narrow it down to just those that are common to both .exe's before I make a "test" .exe with the possible plugins.

If anyone has other insight to what might cause a NSIS to get tagged by DEP, please share. Any help is appreciated.

A plug-in has to do something really special to get tagged by DEP. The only plug-in I can think of that comes anywhere close to that area is the System plug-in. But I made sure it's DEP-safe years ago. Maybe you're using a very very old version (should be even pre 2.0, I think)?