Archive: Build an NSIS package in Linux/Web

Build an NSIS package in Linux/Web
I have looked at the various posts about compiling NSIS under linux but I do not know whether that is what I am after.

What I would like to do is have an NSIS script on my linux web machine, I build some files with php that the user needs and I want to use NSIS to build an exe for them to download and run.

Anyway I can do this?

Thanks .. Larry

You can generate the NSIS script using PHP and then pass it on to makensis. Once makensis finishes, you can let the user download the installer.

Yup .. that's what I want to do .. but how do I get a linux makensis? Might seem like a dumbo question but all the trolling in the forum about it doesn't seem to have a 'build in linux' flavour.

Naturally you are going to show me the error of my ways :D

Thanks!! .. Larry


Thanks .. I have an older manual printed off. Will see if I can compile it on the server (that should be fun!).

Cheers .. Larry

That's the manual for the latest CVS version. But that specific part hasn't changed since 2.01.

Well I'm back ;-) .. have managed to have nsis running, even now compiling and exe from php butt you knew that was coming!

The problem I am having now is that if the nsi file is not in the current directory and I specify a file name thusly;

nsis /home/sample/build.nsi

the script name is taken as an option, I went to change the command parser so that it would be an ifdef to have '/' for windows and '-' for unix but the command arguments are scattered all over.

The question is would you like me to define an option variable which is then set to either '/' or '-' depending on the OS and mod the command line processing to use this or have you already planned it?

Cheers .. Larry

There's already a patch that does this:

You are the font of all wisdom .. will grab!