Archive: First Impression

First Impression
I still barely know NSIS, but I do have some comments.

1. When I have HM NIS Edit minimized and NSIS Help maximized, I can't go back to the editor. Both toolbar buttons give me the help page until I close help.

2. I wanted to use !execute "$path" but the variable isn't expanded to the path that I assigned to it.

3. According to the user manual, it looks like !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN "path" just defines a symbol and has no noticeable affect on the installer unless MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN if referred to elsewhere for conditional compilation. I don't see MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN referred to elsewhere, and I can't find reference to it in the manual. Is it used in a plug-in? I think symbols that are used in core plugins (plugins that come with NSIS) should be included in the manual.

Maybe I just need to read more of the manual, but I've had bad experience with documentation lately, so I figured I should post this.

1. This will either be a problem with Windows or HM NIS Edit.

2. !execute is a compile-time command. Use Exec, ExecWait (etc) for run-time.

3. !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN "$INSTDIR\program.exe" sets program.exe to be executed after the finish page.


Thanks. I would have figured out the !execute issue if I read more of the manual. I could probably think of a use for a compile-time !execute "$path" if I try, but I only need a run-time version.

The MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN is almost self-explanatory, but I think a built-in symbol like that should be in the manual.

It's in the Modern UI documentation...
Contrib\Modern UI\Readme.html

MUI = Modern UI


Oh! The MUI documentation also solves the problem I've been having trying to set section descriptions. I think I'll put a shortcut to it on my desktop, along with a shortcut to C:\Program%20Files\NSIS\NSIS.chm (the NSIS Users manual). When I open the manual without using the link in the editor I don't have that problem I mentioned with maximizing the editor.