Archive: Welcome/Finish images

Welcome/Finish images

I want create my own images for my NSIS installer, but I don't know how I create this Welcome/Finish images!

The Headerimages make me no problems, but the Welcome/Finish images?

Can anybody help me...!

insert "MUI_WELCOMEFINISHPAGE_BITMAP" macro before ur WELCOME Page macro

!define MUI_WELCOMEFINISHPAGE_BITMAP "ur .bmp image path"
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME


Thank you for this reply!

I want to know, how I can create these nice Pictures?
I know the code to insert a Welcome image or Header image.

what exactly do you mean using the word "create"?

Take MSPaint and be creative :D

these pictures are just pictures, I don't think there are special programs for them

greetz Dave

You can use any application, they are standard bitmaps.

I know I can create Bitmaps with various programs (Paint, Corel, Adobe, Macromedia,...)

But I want to know, how to create the contours of the picture with the computer inside.

I tried it with many variants, but the result was very bad.
Does anybody know how I can create a nice picture with this contours and colours

A program, converter, rebuilder,...

:cry: :cry: :cry:

it can be done easily in any vector software.. but this question does not belong into this forum anyway