Archive: How can start log viewer in windows xp

How can start log viewer in windows xp
Hi Iam writing an installer script which has gui menu It has menu-options like connect, disconnect, and view log and this gui stats in systray.

For view log menu item iam defining
! Define GUI_LOG_VIEWER "$WINDIR\norepad.exe"
! Define GUI_EDITOR "$WINDIR\norepad.exe"

For windows 2000 these are working well and fine but ……in windows xp ...if I click view log it’s giving error………like this "Error start-log-viewer C:\winnt\notepad.exe"

Can u tell me How can start log viewer in windows xp?


ExecShell "open" "File.log"

On older Windows versions, Notepad is in $WINDIR, but on the latter versions (XP) I seem to remember Notepad is in $SYSDIR


In my Opion using ShellExec is not this good because .log doenst have to be associated with Notepad.

Nevertheless i think you can call Notepad without knowing it's Location because it's Location is a Directory with is in the "Path" Environemnt.