Archive: CD Rom problem

CD Rom problem
hi all,

i have some problem and i hope someone can help me out.

My installer is to be burn into a CD Rom for other users to install and that is my problem.

I define my Execwait as "C:\xxx" so, if i define my Execwait to C: and the user's CD rom is D or E or x my installer couldnt start.

Is there anyone who can solve this problem?


If your 'superinstaller' is located on the same CD, use
NSIS Help, 4.2.3 $EXEDIR. Or GetModuleFileName() call. Then StrCpy, but take into account network paths too "\\p401\usrtmp" for example.


thanks for replying. but would you be so kind as to send me some examples and links to them so that i can study and understand what u meant? right now i still cant get the picture.