Archive: RFC: new command see tracker 1051250

RFC: new command see tracker 1051250
Any suggestions to improve chances of a command similar to one implemented in patch [see patch tracker 1051250] to be included.

Anyone want to assist me in testing to ensure it is both bugfree and behaves as one would expect [I wrote it, so it behaves as I expect, but does it work as someone unfamiliar would?]. Is its description clear in the docs? Anyone compile NSIS on a Posix (e.g. Linux) system want to verify it there?

For those not wanting to read the tracker, it basically is a command that will insert one of three macros based on a file spec (e.g. somedir\*.*) allowing for actions in the installer such as skipping inclusion of files (e.g. CVS subdirectories) and doing some action (e.g. writing a filename to an installer log for later removal [why I want it]) for each file by creating a few simple macros instead of invoking an external program to create corresponding nsis commands.

Thanks for the comments,

I'll take a look after 2.02 is released. Should be tomorrow or the day after.