Archive: Components question

Components question
In the components page, you can select what componenets to install.
I have two of them.
Is there a way to let the user only select one of them. So one excludes the other.
It can be directly by (un)checking the other box. Or when he presses NEXT by a messagebox and disallowing him to continue.

Thx for helping.

BTW is ther anywhere a reference for all those macro's and functions etc. Cus the helpfile wasn't very helpfull:cry:

there are several threads in the forums discussing this issue.
i recommend you to simply search them :)

I still don'tknow what to do :(

I did a search and found some threads.
I also took a look at the select_one file, but I don't have any subsections, I only have two mainsections. You can either install the first or the second, not non and not both.

I just want to know how to unckeck one item (I have two) when the user checks the other one. The second one is unchecked by default.

I have two sections SEC01 and SEC02

I know its in the .onSelChange function, but I don't know what to put there.

<<On select changed, deselect the other >>
Now that can't be hard for someone with more experience than me.

I also took a look at the select_one file, but I don't have any subsections, I only have two mainsections. You can either install the first or the second, not non and not both.
Here is one way to simplify that example so it only has two sections to choose from: