Archive: Checking for Quicktime - bug in script

Checking for Quicktime - bug in script

I've used the check for Quicktime version scriptf from the archive, and it appeared to work well. However during my testing I discovered that even though i'd uninstalled QT, the script still thought it was installed and the correct version.

After a little digging in the registry it would appear that the QT uninstaller does not remove the registry keys but sets a new item called 'installstate' to 00 00 00 00 (REG_BINARY)

so in the script doing

ReadRegDWord $R0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Apple Computer, Inc.\QuickTime" Version

Will return a version for QT even though it no longer exists. I've coded up a workaround by following the acrobat version check script using

        ReadRegStr $R5 HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\QuickTimePlayer.exe" ""

As this registry entry is deleted by the QT uninstaller. So if it doesn't exist i'm assuming QT is not installed.

I have two questions.

1. Is there a way to read the installstate entry binary? That might be a more elegant solution.
2. Is it safe to use the second check? I mean is there a better registry key to check for? Will QT always be given an entry in 'App paths'?


Yes, I went thru this very thing
Wonderfully, Apple has developed an uninstaller program that does not delete the main registry. Bug or decide ;)
I settled on testing for actual files in the Quicktime folder as well as a registry check. Also, you will want to check for a min vs full install...I check for the PictureViewer.exe to determe this

Thanks grahama,

Glad to see someone else has seen this behaviour. Any chance of posting your fix? I figured just checking for the app path registry entry would be enough, no need to test for actual files.

However you min vs full installer is something i'd not taken into account, i'll have to find out exactly what install is required by the appliaction.


you need to check for it...because you will have all kinds of inexplicable problems with minimum me
better to tell the user they do not have QT and reinstall the full install...I'll post my checker and the ini file I use tomorrow