Archive: Help needed

Help needed
hi all, well i have just alittle prob here, i just downloaded this app. and i need some help making a search on the registry to c if an app is installed, and if it is installed then write some files into the folder where it is installed and if it is not installed abort the installation. i would appreciate any help. thanks.

Search the Forums and you'll find much answers how to do this

like this

if this doesn't fit your needs, just check these pages

There you'll find much
Don't give up, it can be done in NSIS in many ways...

Hope This Helps


well thanks Davion, i found a way to do what i need and i'll post the little code for this purpose.

this goes in the section where u select the files, or it can be too on the section where u run other programs, in case u want to install first the prog u are going to read the value of, for the installer. It reads the Reg Value where the path of the program is installed, and assign that value to $0, after that i say to it that the output dir where i'm gonna copy those files is $0, and where the files to copy are.

ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Firebird Project\Firebird Server\Instances" DefaultInstance
SetOutPath "$0"
File "C:\ib6\RunImageLw2\firebirdsecurity\*"

hope it helps someone with the same prob i had. sorry for my bad english :D