Archive: shortcut deletion (searched)

shortcut deletion
I downloaded the latest version of NSIS and the HM NIS Edit to try out. I used the HM NIS Edit wizard to create a basic installer as a test.

My problem is, on the uninstall it won't delete the desktop shortcut, or the start menu folder and shortcut. I am running Windows 2000, and on an Admin account.

I tried searching through past threads and have seen this problem talked about. I tried adding the "SetShellVarContext all" and does not affect the problem. I haven't found anything else that helps. It is using the variables $SMPROGRAMS and $DESKTOP for the paths.

I'm not sure why the the wizard on HM NIS Edit would create a script with problems. Is there something else I have overlooked, or can check?

Edit: I realized I had a "/" in the original shortcut name. :o Now I feel dumb for overlooking that.

I just thought to try something. My shortcuts have spaces in the name, so I changed them to a shorter name with no spaces, and it deletes.

Never noticed that talked about, so I guess I'll have to search around some more.

Did you use "SetShellVarContext all" only in the uninstaller?

Rightclick on the Shortcut and look where it residents.

If it's in "C:\documents and settings\All users\Desktop" than
"SetShellVarContext all" is neccesary. If it's in your user account than you have to take into consideration that nsis can't know automatically which user has installed it.