Archive: Newbie Needs Help

Newbie Needs Help

I just installed the Nsis program and it seems like a great program. I know that this wuestion has probrly already been asked a million times, but how can install another file within my file. What i mean is that I call another file to install while my main window remains open. And it would only install if they selected the option that they wanted it to install.

IM confusing im know, and im sorry, but please help

Thanks in advance.


Exec "Program.exe"

i dont know if the code you gave me is for when the select the option at the beginnign but that is what i need..

Exec "Program.exe"

I tried what you said with the exec command: this is what I have so far:

; Optional section (can be disabled by the user)

SubSection Messengers
Section "AOL Instant Messenger (AIM)"
Exec "..\silverfox\setup\messengers\aim.exe"
Section "Yahoo Instant Messenger (YIM)"
Exec "..\silverfox\setup\messengers\yim.exe"
Section "Windows Messenger"
Exec "..\silverfox\setup\messengers\windows.exe"
Section "ICQ "
Exec "..\silverfox\setup\messengers\icq.exe"

and in the error log it doesnt say anything.

Please Help...

Thanks in advance

You must set the working directory to the installer directory first before using paths relative to the installer directory.


SubSection Messengers
Section -dothisfirst
SetOutPath $EXEDIR
Section "AOL Instant Messenger (AIM)"
Exec "..\silverfox\setup\messengers\aim.exe"
Section "Yahoo Instant Messenger (YIM)"
Exec "..\silverfox\setup\messengers\yim.exe"
Section "Windows Messenger"
Exec "..\silverfox\setup\messengers\windows.exe"
Section "ICQ "
Exec "..\silverfox\setup\messengers\icq.exe"


ok.. I finally got it to open up the actual SAM Program installer, but I want the progress Bar on my install so it will only say that it has completed after the SAM installer has finished, the MY SQL installer has finished, and all of the messengers have finished installing

Tried ExecWait?


No, where would I put that?

I figured out where it goes on the Exec part, but Now in need one of the sections to be required and i have tried to put Section RO, SEctionRO, and RO like everywhere in =side that section but It is always getting a compile error.

Oh and so you know, I'm using the Modern UI

Thanks in Advance

The Examples folder is there for a reason :p
See example2.nsi


what am I supposed to look for in there...

it doesnt have the required option, I ran it and they were all able to be chosen.

PLz help...


Have you looked at the example2.nsi script?

Afrow UK had a good reason for telling you to look at the example2.nsi script.

This example contains two sections: one is always enabled (and the user cannot change this setting) and the other can be enabled or disabled by the user.

If you look at that example script you will see that the section which is always enabled contains the line "SectionIn RO" (in an earlier message you mentioned you had tried using "Section RO" - this is why you got a compiler error)