Archive: Warning box in WinXP with service pack 2

Warning box in WinXP with service pack 2

I need help with warning in WinXP with service pack 2 -
something as "We cannot verify the publisher of this software etc". Could anybody help me how to fix it?

Thank you,


When does this MSG Box appear?

XP SP2 has higher Security settings than a "normal" XP with SP1

if it appears while you install NSIS itself it's maybe because Microsoft doesn't know the Publisher Nullsoft

you need to check a couple of registry entries

HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" "ProductName"
HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" "CurrentVersion"
HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" "CurrentBuildNumber"

windows xp sp 2 gives you the following results

Microsoft Windows XP
2600 (or higher)

hope it helps

The message box appears when I start my install file (I mean the file I made with NSIS).
The XP says that the software doesn't inlude the digital signature. I think I must register somewhere (on Microfost?) as publisher/developer? Is it any way to include it to the NSIS script?
Thanks a lot! And sorry my English is bad ;)

I think is somthing about the signature embeded into the EXE