Archive: File Access without extraction ?

File Access without extraction ?
Suppose we want to password protect a video file using NSIS. For watching this video we'll have to extract the video to the user's hard disk first. Isn't there any way we can watch the video without extraction?

For example, we could start by not using compression. Think guys, there must be some way.

Could you not just do...
File "/oname=$TEMP\video.wmv" "video.wmv"
ExecShell "" "$TEMP\video.wmv"

You'd have to make a password dialogue with InstallOptions, or you could just use a NSIS Self-Extractor which already has built-in password dialogue (see sig) ;)


Currently I use the script attached.

It even performs a CD check and only allows the user to play the video once, though you may find these a bit childish.

The password part is also taken care of - I downloaded the plug-in from the site of Lobo Lunar (Joel Almeida GarcĂ­a).

The problem is that the file has to be extracted first and only then can be viewed. Isn't there a way to play the file without extracting it to the user's computer?

I'm afraid that there isn't!
You will have to put it in a temporary location (like $PLUGINSDIR w/ InitPluginsDir to make it).
