Archive: Install Options droplist on Win2K again...

Install Options droplist on Win2K again...

I've just made an installer where the user is supposed to use a droplist and choose the install language. My installer will then put some files in a language specific folder according to what the user chose.

All of this works on XP, but I still have received a complaint from a 'client', and it turned out the droplist doesn't show correctly on his Win2K system. According to him, only the first(and default) item shows up, then there's a one pixel tall element below it if he clicks the down arrow of the droplist.

Of course, while I made the installer, I read here and there, and was aware that this could happen if the 'bottom' value wasn't set correctly.

So I followed instructions, according to the IO manual; I have six items in the list, and it said to multiply the number of items with 8, then add 20. So I did, and ended up with 68, so I rounded upwards and put 70 in my .ini file. Although stated to be a "rough guide", I thought this would fix it.

So the code in my .ini looks like this:


[Field 1]

So what have I done wrong here to make it not work on Win2K?
Should I simply put a larger number for the 'bottom' value?

Thanks in advance. :)

This would be an error with your INI file. WinXP will ignore the Bottom value of your DropList and will set the height of the drop-down accordingly (depending on how many items exist in it). On Win9x (and probably Win2000 too in this case) Windows is using your Bottom value for the height of your DropList's drop-down box regardless of how many items it contains.

So, you've set Top to be 50, and Bottom to be 70. That means you've given your DropList a maximum height of 20 pixels/units which isn't enough really is it!

You should set the Bottom value to -1 so then its height will always stretch it to the bottom of your dialogue as a maximum height.


OK, thanks for the advice, although I felt I "followed instructions". I set the 'Top' value to 50 because that's where I wanted the droplist to be placed, and I didn't think that I had to 'compensate' for that in the 'Bottom' value. What you say makes sense though, so thanks again. :)