Archive: Header image

Header image

Using the MUI.

Why is it that when I use a header image (regardless of size) the text next to the image is always so far away from it?

The header image I use is small but despite that the text is still some 3cm away?

Is this a bug in NSIS 2.02?

The text should be almost next to the header image if it was correct.

The MUI offers two header image styles: header image to the left of the header text and header image to the right of the text.

Which one are you using?

Originally posted by pengyou
The MUI offers two header image styles: header image to the left of the header text and header image to the right of the text.

Which one are you using?
I have used both left and right, same effect, a large area is left blank to the right side of the image.

I think this is because my image is 57x57. The manual states max width is 150 pixels so it should scale to a lower size too.

It seems to me this is a bug but maybe I'm wrong?

It is not a bug. The default UI has a fixed size space for the image in the header (150 x 57 pixels, if I remember correctly). As you only have a 57 x 57 pixel image, you're only using about a third of the space reserved for the image.

You can use Resource Hacker to make a customised UI which uses a smaller space for the image file (and makes more room for the header text). All you need to do is make the current image space narrower (and you can also make the header text areas wider).

The MUI ReadMe explains how to make the MUI use customised UI resource files and has a download link for Resource Hacker.

It should be stretching his image to fit I think (if MUI_HEADERIMAGE_BITMAP_NOSTRETCH is not set).


Originally posted by Afrow UK
It should be stretching his image to fit I think (if MUI_HEADERIMAGE_BITMAP_NOSTRETCH is not set).

Yes it's not that though, seems I will have to hack the resource to correct the 150 pixels width spacing.